1、基于高温超导带材的电网故障限流器设计和制备 (联合申报国家科技部重点研发计划项目,500万元人民币):
Project 1: Design and Manufacture of Power Fault Current Limiter Based on High-temperature Superconducting Tapes (To jointly apply for Key Research and Development Projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology,5 Million Yuan in RMB).
2、新型兆瓦级高温超导电磁储能装备 (联合申报国家科技部重点研发计划项目,400万元人民币):
Project 2: Novel MW-scale Energy Storage Apparatus with High-temperature Superconducting Electro-magnetic Coils (To jointly apply for Key Research and Development Projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology,4 Million Yuan in RMB).
Welcome the Academicians and Communication Academicians of the RAE working in the relevant fields to jointly apply for and visit China.